Netflix Party

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How to Screen Share on Netflix

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There are now much more sophisticated ways to watch Netflix with friends that automatically sync the program or movie that is playing while enabling everyone to communicate via text or voice chat. While it is still possible to simply get everyone in your group to hit the play button at the same time, there are now much simpler ways as well.

This tutorial will lead you through one of the most effective ways to screen share Netflix with friends and family while also providing some more details on some different approaches.

How Can I Share My Netflix Screen?

There are numerous apps and addons for screen sharing Netflix, but the majority of them are only compatible with certain types of devices, which may restrict who can use them. Rave addresses this issue by offering totally free standalone applications for Mac and Windows computers as well as mobile iOS and Android devices.

Install Rave

Here's how to Watch Netflix with Friends Simultaneously using Rave.

  1. Open the Rave app after downloading and installing it.
  2. Choose one of your Facebook, Twitter, or Google accounts to log into Rave.
  3. Choose Netflix from the right menu after logging in.
  4. Use the credentials for your Netflix account to log in.
  5. During Rave, the standard Netflix app screen will load. As you would normally do when using Netflix, begin watching a movie or episode.
  6. The media will start playing on the left and a chatroom will appear on the right in a Netflix screen share session that is immediately created.
  7. To add it to the clipboard on your device, choose the Invite link.
  8. Install Rave on each participant's device, log in to Netflix using the app, and then have them select the URL you emailed them.
  9. They will be taken directly to your Netflix screen-sharing session by clicking the link.
  10. There will be four different privacy choices above the conversation. Although you can alter this at any moment, the public is the default. Here are the meanings of each choice.

Public: Everyone using Rave and with the URL will be able to view and join your screen share.

Nearby: This setting restricts access to only people who are physically close to you.

Friends: Only individuals you are friends with on the social network you used to connect into Rave will be able to see your Netflix screen share.

Private: A screen-sharing session that is completely private and accessible only through the invite link.

      11. Select the Settings gear icon from the top menu to change the screen sharing session's preferences, participant rights,  and media playback choices.

      While the Vote checkmark icon enables users to vote on what to watch next, the Play icon may be used to add additional Netflix content to the queue.

      The Leave icon is located in the top-left area. Click it to end your Netflix screen share session.

Other Methods for Sharing a Netflix Stream with Friends

If Rave isn't working for you, there are a few more options you can try to share your Netflix screen.

Utilizing a Google Chrome Browser Extension like Teleparty (formerly known as Netflix Party) or Scener is one of the most well-liked ways to do this. Both allow for simultaneous Netflix streaming in the Chrome browser, although they do necessitate the use of computers by all users (rather than a mobile device).

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Tags: - Netflix Party, netflix streaming service, streaming service like netflix, best streaming service, netflix customer service, netflix login, netflix movies, netflix account, Screen Share on Netflix,